We've decided to install a bathroom upstairs in the loft after all this time. We're leaning heavily toward having our master bedroom upstairs to take full advantage of a truly gorgeous space, and that inspired the need for the 2nd bath. A bit of luxury it is, admittedly, but we know we probably won't feel comfortable making the same investment (outside of the mortgage) a few years from now. It took some thought to design the bathroom in a small [slanted] space without ruining the look of our timberframe, but we think we've got it right. I'm delighted that I finally have an excuse to install the pedestal sink I've always wanted and the old style taps to suit. Dad has almost completed framing the room, and we hope to have the plumber in this week. Pictures coming soon!
Our kitchen cabinets are underway, and we love them. Our Cabinet Maker is a Details Guy - the kind you want to do your finish work. Here's a rough picture before the doors are on.
This week, we encountered our most difficult decision in the entire construction process! Andy the Cabinet Maker decided that the formica countertop was not the right choice (thankfully) and offered to install tile instead. We were delighted! The downside was that it took many trips to several tile stores and many, many hours to come to an agreement on our tile selection. Phew! Anyone who knows Dave, knows how much he *loves* shopping, so you can imagine the pain...
I'll share pics of the tile when the cabinets are complete.
Here's a pic of the wire I'm installing over each of the doors and windows to round out the headers. This is the header over the porch door where I had to mask the vent pipe for our kitchen plumbing. I plan to build an arch into the upper area, to highlight a piece of decorative wrought iron that will be over the door. Installing the wire is not my favourite task (I'd rather be mudding), but it is satisfying to complete.
This week, we anticipate (we say "anticipate" instead of saying something will be done, b.c it generally doesn't happen as we expect it to) our new appliances will arrive, our phone and internet will be hooked up, our interior doors, kitchen countertop and bathroom vanity will be installed, and the plumber will come to replace our tub and install the 2nd bath. Our solar panel system installation should be complete, supplementing our domestic hot water, and we're hoping to have our propane fireplace [finally] done.