Thursday, July 05, 2007

Unexpected horticultural emergency...

The sounds of dump trucks banging and excavators digging were vivid last night when I arrived home from work. As I troddled out to retrieve the mail, I discovered a road crew digging out the ditches (!). Part of my trees-for-privacy-and-beauty plan was to dig up the trees from the ditch and transplant them in a safe place. The crew stopped for the evening only metres from my property incredibly close call. I dashed up for my shovel, and gear and "saved" many, many trees. About half of the spruce, cedar and tamarack are seedlings, but close to 50 are solid two to four year old trees. I successfully replanted about half of them last night until my poor back throbbed. Fortunately, the next few days are calling for rain, so they have a chance at survival. Transplanting spruce and cedar (or anything for that matter) is not the brightest idea in July. I was planning to do it in late August once we were heading for cooler, more moist weather (and finished plastering!).

And I wonder why progress on the house goes so slowly...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's the updates on the results of your 'plastering, plastering, plastering'?

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the photos from this past weekend....before and after comparisons???? Hope it went well Kara. Congratulations on savibng the small aftyer ditching...maybe they will pave it...I also lost our big old car in one of theose potholes!!!!!

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the photos from this past weekend....before and after comparisons???? Hope it went well Kara. Congratulations on savibng the small aftyer ditching...maybe they will pave it...I also lost our big old car in one of theose potholes!!!!!

11:05 AM  

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