Monday, August 13, 2007

Le Grand Unveiling

The outside is still being whitewashed with limewater, but we finally removed tarps on all sides except the south(!). We decided to leave the south side for another two days to be safe. Good-bye blue plastic house!

Jacob, our visiting straw bale apprentice (above), moved on to Halifax on Saturday to his next adventure before he heads home to Montreal. Rob, our resident straw bale expert, leaves today for home in Nova Scotia. That leaves just me, Dave and the pets in our home for the first time in a month!

Charles T. is seen here helping Rob M.
& Dad Wiggins remove the tarps on the east side. Charles is going to continue working with us to finish up west gable end and interior plaster.

Here's Dad throwing down the last corner of tarp.

The west side unveiled, with staging still in place to complete white washing and trim.

The east side (faces the road) sans tarps, staging and completely white washed!!


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