Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Phew! Winds gushed at 90km/hr knocking down massive spruce trees along our road this past weekend, and shredding some of our temporary tarps to bits on the building site. It rained for days on end, and the cold, howling wind continues still tonight. *Perfect weather* to celebrate Halloween. I can smell snow in the air too. Ah, fond memories of trick or treating and freezing my butt off are flooding back.
It's wonderful to have the main roof complete, with only minor adjustments to be made, but it didn't come easy (ask my Dad). With the dormer and roofing metal done, we can theoretically finish the final two rows of bales on the outside under the porch. We had left them unplastered b.c we felt they were too vulnerable to rain without the roof complete and we wanted to be able to replace any bales if they got damp. The main wall was well protected from the elements by a typar skirting along the top.

The days are so short and cold, that I'm beginning to wonder if we'll actually get to the plaster before Spring. We'll have time to apply the first spray slip coat, but the fill coat will require a lot more time than we probably have. We'll be tarping everything else in until Spring to protect it until we get the final plaster coat on, so we may simply cover it enough to protect it from the elements (though the porch roof should suffice for the most part). We'll be plastering it thoroughly on the inside in the coming month, so it should keep the heat in nicely anyway.

It breaks my heart to cover up our beautiful home, but we're moving into tarp-land now. Blue and silver tarps. Every where. Nasty. I just keep chanting that "it's only four to six months, it's only four to six months...for a lifetime of enjoyment..a lifetime investment that we have to do right." argh.

This isn't my Halloween costume, btw. This is me all covered in safety gear prepping some lime putty to create test patches of our finish coat to see how they work over the winter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry to use this method to contact you but I could not find your email.

I am wondering if you would consider adding our website to you list of links.

I have already added a link to yours at http://www.strawlinks.com/links/blogs.shtml .

Title: StrawLinks.com
Description: Straw Bale Construction Links
url: http://www.strawlinks.com/

thank you

Brian Zell

1:37 PM  

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